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Orpheus is the source of psionic resistance the party possesses against the Absolute, and the Emperor has been leveraging this in his favour. The protagonist eventually faces off against Gortash and Orin, assembling the Netherstones to subdue the Elder Brain. The Elder Brain, having anticipated the triumvirate and the protagonist's every move, overpowers the party before the Emperor comes to the rescue.

" - Additionally, around roughly 800 or so, the container starts to get buggy, in that not ALL items will show up, but they WILL be in the container, so, stacking is key. This also has the same effect for selling items to merchants in said abundance. Not only will it clutter their inventory, as sold items persist, but make it difficult to do Quick Glance/Buy's... Ya'll have been warned - I tested this multiple times, and my rig is by no means a specialized ego machine, so results MAY vary, but I suspect this is more an internal game "problem" than a system "problem".

The higher your Ability score, the more likely you'll succeed with whatever you're trying to do. See our full BG3 Abilities Guide for explanations of how ability checks work, and what each ability affects.

, Companions can be recruited even with a full party. These Companions can be found at Camp and can be swapped into the main party roster whenever you visit camp. After the first Act, however, your main party of 4 will have to be set.

Gale of Waterdeep was a prodigious archmage, his talents earning him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic. At her side, he learned all that mortals might accomplish with the Weave, in time earning his place as her lover, and her Chosen. And yet, he was not satisfied.

It's a core tenet of any good DND build, and the same goes for Baldur's Gate 3. If you're not too savvy on your skills just yet, we can help you change that.

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Unlike in DnD where you have to have a certain Ability Score to be able to swap classes, Baldur's Gate 3 does not have any restrictions and you can swap between Classes freely without losing any character levels.

Viconia DeVir is a drow outcast and Cleric of Shar, the goddess of darkness, night, and loss. She is a recruitable companion throughout the original Baldur's Gate series, and a potential love interest for a male player character in Shadows of Amn, embodying the femme fatale archetype;[36] if her relationship with the player character continues into Throne of Bhaal, a possible ending in the game's epilogue would reveal that Viconia is murdered by baldurs gate 3 agents of the drow goddess Lolth.[35]

The only route of escape is through the catacombs below the monastery. The player character manages to escape the catacombs, and returns to Baldur's Gate. But things only get worse, as the player is still on the run for the (real or framed) murders in Candlekeep, and must stay hidden as the player character works to uncover the truth and finally uncovers a grand scheme masterminded by the "armored figure", Sarevok.

Seeking to confront Sarevok, the characters find out that he is actually half-brother to the main character, both of whom are children of the dead Lord of Murder, Bhaal. The main character's Bhaalspawn ancestry explains much about their past and raises questions about their future. Sarevok's plans turn out be much more sinister, as the Iron Throne is just a façade for his real intentions.

The Black Hound was originally going to be a departure from the high-powered epic of the Bhaalspawn saga to a low-key, role-playing plot. With protagonists progressing to around level four at the end of Black Isle Studios' typically large campaign and a hard cap at level eight, gameplay was refocussed to adventure, with emphasizing quests over combat. The game was only titled Baldur's Gate due to Interplay having lost the general D&D license to Atari, but still retaining the right to make Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale branded D&D games (the same reason as for Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance's title).

Side Quests are tied to a specific location and are very important for getting to the bottom of the lore in each zone. Sometimes, they can help you reach otherwise impossible resolutions to key conflicts and battles in the story.

, games whose creators not only attempt to create entire living worlds, but also make worlds that have an ever-flowing river of history, impacted by the player’s choices. Whenever you make a dialogue choice or interact with a character or even just walk past something in Baldur’s Gate 3

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